Not Alone in This Fight: Lachlan's Story

For most of us, 2020 will be known as the year of COVID. The year that we stopped shaking hands and started wearing masks, that schools, businesses and even borders closed. 2020 was certainly a year that our way of life changed and a year that most would like to forget. This could not be any more of an understatement for Lachlan’s family.

What started out as a routine eye appointment quickly changed when his family learned that two-year-old Lachlan had tumours in both eyes.

His family shares their story in our 2020 Report of Hope.

UPDATE, April 2024

Since the Report of Hope article in 2020, Lachlan continued to have various types of treatment. The chemo plaque did not work as expected and new spots required him to go on three more rounds of intra-arterial chemotherapy. This type of chemo is by injecting chemo medicine through the femoral artery, a surgery that takes 3.5 hours to complete each time. Post IAC, Lachlan has continued to have numerous new spots lasered, and more cryotherapy completed. 

His most recent reports have been positive and although he continues to be closely monitored in Toronto, his appointments are now every 2-3 months. Despite all that he has gone through and continues to go through, he is an active little boy that loves to play a game of soccer or baseball, break a board at taekwondo or entertain his friends with a magic trick.

Childcan has been a part of our journey from the very start. Over the past 4 years Childcan and specifically, Lorraine, has been there to support us through the emotional and financial hardships that we faced. Everything from parking vouchers at Sick Kids Toronto, gas cards, hotel discounts and the frequent check-ins have all helped us get through a tremendously difficult time. By supporting Childcan, you are helping to provide support and assistance to families within our own community, such as ours. We are forever grateful for Childcan and they will always hold a special place in our hearts.