About Childcan
If you have missed any of our news within the last year, click on the image to learn more:
Ho Ho Hope
What's on your wish list from Santa this year?
Let Light and Hope Sparkle
This is where you can make a difference. Be Brave, Like Dax.
We’re sorry… you can still Win Big & Join us
After we sent this newsletter yesterday, multiple people told us they experienced an error purchasing 50/50 tickets.
PYJAMAGANZA weekend ahead!
Don't miss out! Join us for a PYJAMAGANZA weekend in London or LaSalle!
We have some stories to tell YOU
read more in your newsletter from Childcan
Rooftop Surprise
Click the photo to read the CTV article and see video of Felix’s rooftop surprise party.
Stop and smell the sunflowers:
Lambton County fields bloom for boy taken by leukemia
Miracle Max's Minions has raised more than $450,000 for childhood cancer support
CBC News
A message from Jason
Jason's one of 16 students heading back to school this September, empowered by a Childcan bursary for post-secondary education!
Summer’s here
We are sending summer sun to everyone, no matter where you are reading this newsletter.
Your jam packed newsletter from Childcan
Bursaries, Reptilia, Golf and more...
Your rockin’ newsletter from Childcan
It’s time to Rock! Gala update, and so much more rockin’ news…
Raising Hope
Read our March newsletter to learn about hope raising! Click the image to read it now.
CTV News
Polar Dip into Lake Erie raises nearly $100,000 for families navigating childhood cancer
Are you ready for it?
Are you ready to Dip, and more….
Celebrate with us!
You're invited to Be A Part of Our Story! Read our January newsletter to see all the ways you can celebrate with us for our 50th anniversary!